How can a CAPF and state police officer get a para Wing on their uniform?



Paratrooper badge is awarded to uniform personnel after completing five jumps (three in days and two in night) from aircraft or helicopter at an altitude not less than 1000 feet.


The para jumping course is conducted by the Indian Air Force Paratroopers Training School at Agra for all the three services, Paramilitary Forces and State Police Forces as well as Friendly country forces.



The course duration varies from a minimum two weeks to maximum six weeks. Pre-jump toughening training imparted by the instructors and thereafter only jumps are carried out.



The state government is sending their list of personnel (as per their quota) to PTS to impart parajump training to them.. Necessary course fees are paid to the IAF. Any uniform personnel who has successfully completed the five jumps are authorised to wear Para jumpers badge on his uniform.