There are six kinds of central security covers: X, Y, Y plus, Z, Z plus and SPG. While the Special Protection Group with an annual budget of about Rs 600 crore protects only the Prime Minister, the other categories can be provided to anyone based on the Centre’s assessment.


SPG is an elite force whose details are classified and only provided to the Prime Minister of India.


Two personal security officers round the clock, which means around six PSOs assuming an 8-hour shift.

Y category: Two PSOs and an armed guard at residence round the clock and additional security at night. That means about 11 personnel (5 for static duty and 6 for personal security) will work over shifts for Ranaut.

Y+ category is a security detail of 11 personnel, including 2-4 commandos and police personnel.

Z category: Involves about 22 personnel including 2 to 8 armed guards at residence, two PSOs round the clock and an armed escort of 1 to 3 for all road journeys.

Z+ category: In addition to Z category security arrangements, protectees under this category get a bulletproof car, escort in three shifts and additional security when required.including 10+ NSG commandos and police personnel.